Delorian (Sweden) – En Route (single)

Isn’t it annoying when you remember a band’s name from a few years ago, you know you’ve heard a song that you really liked then, but you just can’t find it.

A little bit of research told me they appeared at a music festival in Sweden I attended in 2018 which is where I probably experienced them.

But never mind, Delorian are back, with a new single, the first of several in the next few weeks on the Comedia label. And they have been away.

Formed ten years ago in the northern Swedish city of Sundsvall, Delorian debuted with ‘EP. 1’ and then, after touring two years later, with the full-length album ‘Humanomaly.’

Two years of pandemic and the relocation of some band members to other parts of the country could have seen them off but they re-emerged last autumn and now release a new single, ‘En Route’, in advance of a reunion concert they will play together with Les Big Byrd in Sweden on March 11th.

The 1980s, and especially the British sound of that era, is not popular only in the UK. We’ve featured numerous Nordic bands over the last few months which have channelled it in one way or another.

And there’s a strong 1980s feel about ‘En Route’, there are any amount of British 80s bands you might ‘hear’ in there, especially when the synthesisers get going. And yet at the same time it’s tempered by a later sound, 1990s, a little shoe-gazey. Or am I imagining things?

The whole washes over you. As it should do.

The lyrics could have been written in the 1960s, in a commune in Haight-Ashbury.

“The sky is getting clearer /En route, en route /The sky is getting clearer /En route, en route

 And I am feeling better/ aren’t you, aren’t you?/ The sky is getting clearer /En route, en route”

Pass that joint, man. See you in Monterrey.

Surprisingly the band hasn’t even mentioned the song on all its socials yet. C’mon guys, here’s your excuse.

Delorian are: Jerker Osatie · Per Hagner · Oskar Unger · Henrik Nordlander.

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