Forsling&Hauch (Sweden/Denmark) – Hope (single/track from album Idiolekt)

This one is so old now that I was about to put it in the clearance sale but decided to give it a listen. Good timing.

This duo Forsling&Hauch consists of the Swedish electronic musician Mika Forsling and the Danish jazz drummer Frederik Juul Hauch.

The album Idiolekt refers to “humanity’s peculiar way of expressing itself…a sort of homage to the peculiar and singular aspects that make us all unique individuals. “Yep, I know about that; just reviewing over 800 songs, EPs, albums and videos for this blog alone has brought me into contact with the whole gamut of human existence and we haven’t even started yet.

I haven’t previously encountered Forsling&Hauch, which might be a bottle of champagne, but I’m glad I did now. Cheers! Straight from the opening notes this track ‘Hope’ hooked me in. Early doors it might be Highasakite with one of their electronic creations from an early album, replete with structured bings and boings from drum pads.

But within a minute it takes on a different form altogether, underscored by a jazz rhythm, an electronic GoGo Penguin one might say, and then, totally unexpectedly, it’s club time and we’re in Ibiza, before that jazz beat comes back in again and so it goes around, this time growing in intensity towards a climax that’s, well, what it says on the tin; orgasmic.

I’m not usually given to that sort of hyperbole but at four minutes and 37 seconds it’s probably the quickest you ever had.

Being ‘genre-less’ has long been the ambition of many but few succeed like this track does. It doesn’t stop at Hope, you get Faith and Charity thrown in for good measure, with minimalism in charge but improvisation let off the leash. I’d love to hear it live. (And when they do that you get the benefit of a trumpeter as well!)

Idiolekt’ was released on April 26th on the Swedish label Paltunes.

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