When a new single comes along from someone who not only made NMC’s ‘Song of the Year’ list but also came close to a Top 5 listing you have to drop whatever you are doing and get to stuck right into it.
Maliika’s (Linda Ulfsdotter) new song was, she says, influenced by her reflecting on the concept of freedom when the world seemed dark and foreboding. Which is most of the time these days, I reckon.
Her take on freedom is this:
“One aspect of freedom is accepting everything you have been through, both the good and the bad, and seeing it for what it is, just experiences. Then you are freed from your martyrdom. You become sovereign when you see your own responsibility and influence over everything that happens in your life.”
“Only you define who and what you are”.
As a born narcissist I’m sort of halfway with her on that but I can think of many episodes when ‘public opinion’ has defined someone in a way which isn’t accurate and no end of trying by the victim to reverse that assessment has failed to achieve it.
But however you look at it everyone has their ‘Time to soar’ and I’ll take any opportunity to hear this lady do just that.
‘Time to soar’ isn’t quite as powerful as the featured song last year, ‘Daydreaming’ and some of the other songs of hers that I’ve heard, like ‘Say Goodbye.’ And the melody isn’t as strong, but there is no denying that Maliika has a fantastic set of pipes as well as a very sweet tone, and few rivals when it comes to belting out and holding sustained soprano notes and providing backing vocals for herself.
I can think of a few top symphonic metal bands that would covet her services if they had the chance.
‘Time to soar’ was released on 15th January on the Comedia label.
Find her on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaliikaArtist
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maliikaartist/