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News – We’re in Feedspot’s ‘Top Manchester music blogs’

I’m delighted to report that we feature in the Top 15 Manchester music blogs (and there are a lot of them) as compiled by the leading global content reader Feedspot.


Manchester is arguably the UK’s leading ‘music city’ with a huge list of legendary bands and a host of credentials such as first per capita for #1 singles chart hits and for the number of music venues per capita, including what will be the first and third largest venues in Europe when a new arena opens in November.

Many groundbreaking events have taken place including the 1976 Sex Pistols concert at the Lesser Free Trade Hall out of which both a local and national music scene took shape, and the infamous ‘Judas’ heckling of Bob Dylan 10 years earlier.

It’s also a member of the Music Cities International Network.

Many music magazines, e-zines and blogs have emerged out of the city in the last few decades and I cut my teeth on one of them.

It’s particularly gratifying that a highly focused and specialised publication like Nordic Music Central has secured a place in one of Feedspot’s prestigious lists.

At the same time I was shocked to discover that I head the list of writers from the city; not by quality I should add (!), but rather by the number of articles, even exceeding contributors from Louder than War, one of the country’s biggest publications.

Evidently I need to get our more…

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