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Oscar Lund (Sweden) – Långedrag (Long Haul) (single/forthcoming album track)

Reading time: 2 minutes I often wondered what it would be like if I was a muso ...
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Søren Lee (Denmark) – Funky Motion (sample track from the album Hope)

Reading time: 2 minutes I’m out of my comfort zone even attempting to review a jazz album ...
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Per Bloch (Denmark) – Oqaatsit angakkuakkat (Magical words) – single

Reading time: 2 minutes Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, eat your heart out. Only in NMC do you get ...
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Ocelot (Finland) – Prinssi/Pikkuveli (single/future album track)

Reading time: 2 minutes Generally speaking I find Finnish music to be pretty deep; what you’d expect ...
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Hazlett (Sweden) – Shiver (Single/future EP track)

Reading time: 2 minutes I thought all the Swedes were on vacation right now but Hazlett clearly ...
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Orkid (Sweden) – Where flowers grow (single/future EP title track)

Reading time: 2 minutes It is that odd mélange of beauty and sadness that she tries to ...
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Joselin (Sweden) – Marry myself (single)

Reading time: 2 minutes Who was it that sang ‘Marry me’? It was St Vincent wasn’t it, ...
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Lucifer Sunshine (Sweden) – My immunity (single/future album track)

Reading time: 2 minutes In the nicest way Lucifer Sunshine are anachronistic. They belong in another time ...
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Us (Finland) – Hop on a cloud (single/track from forthcoming album)

Reading time: 2 minutes Hey ho, the football’s done for another couple of years so back to ...
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Israelson (Sweden) – Brother (single/future album track)

Reading time: < 1 minute An intriguing and lengthy song from a forthcoming album by (Johan) Israelson ...
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Thomas and the Terrible Truth (Sweden) – Ready to Belong (sample track from the album Don’t mind me. I’m Normal)

Reading time: 2 minutes Can I be straight up honest here? There have been so many releases ...
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Touching Grace (Denmark) – Elephants & Armpits (single/future album track)

Reading time: 2 minutes There is something about Touching Grace that amuses me. They are a Danish ...
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Myrkvi (Iceland) – Completely Empty (single/future album track)

Reading time: 2 minutes It’s getting on for a year since Myrkvi (Magnús Thorlacius) was last here. ...
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Weekend Intermission – Issy Sutcliffe (UK) – The Cost of Living (single/future EP track)

Reading time: 2 minutes Weekend Intermission is our regular feature where we look at an artist or ...
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Jonsjooel (Finland) – ‘Goodbye Ah’ (single/possible future EP track)

Reading time: 2 minutes I’ve never seen or heard a ‘sign’ – a warning by way of ...
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The Sweet Parade (Iceland) – Luck (single)

Reading time: < 1 minute We don’t get much from Iceland these days. The Sweet Parade (the ...
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Midweek Intermission – Janelle Monáe live at Aviva Studios Manchester, 2nd July

Reading time: 5 minutes With Scandinavia going on its summer holidays for the next six weeks I ...
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Emil Kárlsen (Norway) – Čávkkus (single/future EP track

Reading time: 2 minutes I took a shine to Emil Kárlsen in May when he was last ...
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Weekend Intermission – Ben Fusch (UK) – Step Aside (single)

Reading time: 2 minutes We haven’t had a Weekend Intermission for a while and this is an ...
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Kalandra (Norway) – Are you ready? (single/future album track + video)

Reading time: 2 minutes That’s the most pertinent question I’ve heard get asked all week, including during ...
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Braunbeer (Sweden) ft. Dana Bloom – ZOMBIE (The Cranberries cover/remix) (single)

Reading time: 2 minutes We rarely highlight covers and remixes but there’s something about Braunbeer that makes ...
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